Fire Alone hurt …

Rahul Kumar
Feb 20, 2022


People always say that fire is all about to burn but in my case this is about to grow or i can say to motivate me about the problem’s in life.

It totally depends on people how they take the meaning or sense for that things. Because in society , already teaches something from the birth like , don’t go outside alone , came at 9.00 pm clock at home (girl) , and many more superstition.

But it give me , motivation is a strong, yet a very delicate feeling that’s brilliant at playing its games with us. On some days, it’ll show up like an energetic and enthusiastic friend and pump you up with all the excitement for the slightest of things.



Rahul Kumar

Hey! I’m Rahul Kumar Security Researcher From 🇮🇳 I’m building my skills in and threat intelligence, Digital Forensic, Open Source Intelligence Etc.