Types of Investigation

Rahul Kumar
3 min readFeb 11, 2022


There are four main types of investigation performed by digital forensics specialists .

Criminal forensics ..

The largest form of digital forensics and falling under the remit of law enforcement (or private contractors working for them). Criminal forensics is usually part of a wider investigation conducted by law enforcement and other specialists with reports being intended to facilitate that investigation and, ultimately, to be entered as expert evidence before the court. Focus is on forensically sound data extraction and producing report/evidence in simple terms that a lay man will understand.

Intelligence gathering ..

This type of investigation is often associated with crime, but in relation to providing intelligence to help track, stop or identify criminal activity. Unless the evidence is later to be used in court forensic soundness is less of a concern in this form of investigation, instead speed can be a common requirement.

Intrusion investigation ..

The final form of investigation is different from the previous three. Intrusion investigation is instigated as a response to a network intrusion, for example a hacker trying to steal corporate secrets. The investigation focuses on identifying the entry point for such attacks, the scope of access and mitigating the hackers activities.

Electronic discovery..

Similar to “criminal forensics” but in relation to civil law. Although functionally identical to its criminal counter part, eDiscovery has specific legal limitations and restrictions, usually in relation to the scope of any investigation.

Techniques of Digital Forensic

Cross-drive analysis ..

A forensic technique that correlates information found on multiple hard drives. The process, still being researched, can be used to identify social networks and to perform anomaly detection.

Live analysis ..

The examination of computers from within the operating system using custom forensics or existing sysadmin tools to extract evidence. The practice is useful when dealing with Encrypting File Systems, for example, where the encryption keys may be collected and, in some instances, the logical hard drive volume may be imaged (known as a live acquisition) before the computer is shut down.

Volatile data ..

Volatile data is a data that is lost if the power is switched off. Computer requires some memory space where it could store most frequently used data, intermediately results of an operation, etc. which could be access by the CPU of a computer at faster rate. Some of the examples of fast memory are CPU registers, Cache memory, Random Access Memory(RAM), etc. The access time to these memory devices is low but they are volatile in nature.

Stochastic forensics..

A method which uses stochastic properties of the computer system to investigate activities lacking digital artifacts. Its chief use is to investigate data theft.

Steganography ..

One of the techniques used to hide data is via steganography, the process of hiding data inside of a picture or digital image. An example would be to hide pornographic images of children or other information that a given criminal does not want to have discovered. Computer forensics professionals can fight this by looking at the hash of the file and comparing it to the original image.

Recovery of Deleted files..

A common technique used in computer forensics is the recovery of deleted files. Modern forensic software have their own tools for recovering or carving out deleted data.



Rahul Kumar

Hey! I’m Rahul Kumar Security Researcher From 🇮🇳 I’m building my skills in and threat intelligence, Digital Forensic, Open Source Intelligence Etc.